Progressive International

Progressive International 2022 campaign art by Golrokh Nafisi and Jonas Staal.

Progressive International is a global organisation aiming to unite progressive activists.

To counter the difficult nature of trying to make change alone, Progressive International organises and mobilises people around the world to achieve their common goals.

Artwork by Golrokh Nafisi (left) and Peter Kennard (right)

Their goal is to aid activists in effectively supporting social movements, as well as creating a community of like-minded people.

Active movements supported by Progressive International span across the globe: challenging tyranny in the Philippines, supporting Barbados in resisting Britain’s colonial legacies, campaigning for safe abortion worldwide.

The 2022 Internationalism Calendar is designed by distinguished artists and cultural workers, depicting their experiences of struggle, victory and defeat in the 21st century.

Many of its works are featured at Manzana.

Posters by Jonas Staal, Gabriel Silveira, and Golrokh Nafisi exhibited in the Manzana meeting room.

Poster by Gabriel Silveira

Poster by Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson

About the artists:

Golrokh Nafisi is an Illustrator, animator, and puppet maker that experiments with performances in public space. Nafisi works through bodies and ideologies to imagine and shape new works forms of collective action.

“In the Progressive International, we recognize our shared sensory experiences and stand together against those who impose their barriers upon us."

Libia Castro (Spain) and Ólafur Ólafsson (Iceland) started to work together in 1997, they are collaborative and multidisciplinary artists, whose practice is informal, critical and socio-politically engaged. They have joined activists groups and invited other artists, other professionals and people of all walks of life to work in tandem with art and activism.

Jonas Staal is an artist based in Rotterdam and Athens whose work deals with the relationship between art, democracy and propaganda. He is the founder of the New World Summit and works with various political organizations, such as DiEM25 and the autonomous Rojava government. For his contribution, Staal built on the heritage of constructivist art in imagining contemporary internationalism as a collective world-making endeavour.

Gabriel Silveira is a Brazilian creative director and writer based in Barcelona. Founder of Contra, a strategy-driven creative agency focused on helping social and political movements.

Peter Kennard is a photomontage artist and Professor of Political Art at the Royal College of Art. Since the late 1960s, Kennard has made powerfully political work that is a visual manifestation of resistance against economic inequality, war, climate change and injustices, both local and global. Internationally renowned for the photomontages he constructed in support of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) across the '70s and '80s, Kennard has produced iconic images for left publications and social protests that are firmly lodged in the collective consciousness and still potent and as powerful today.

Check out Progressive International and buy their posters here:


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